Firefox will be released June 5

Mozilla has shifted to the fast-paced development cycle by adding new features to the series of versions - nightly, aurora, beta and Firefox - each towards the most stable phase until the issue is ready for release.

Change is a big change for open-source companies, who previously issued a new edition in a longer time.

Firefox 4, for example, developed during more than a year, while Firefox 3.6 takes the same to completion.

Google uses the same process to constantly update the features in Chrome, relying on the four stages of development: nightly, dev, beta and stable. The result is a new version of Chrome every six to eight weeks.

According to information posted on the Mozilla site, the new development will rival Google.

Mozilla Firefox is pursuing the launch schedule 5, which should be sent June 21. To meet that deadline, Firefox 5 must release a version of "aurora" dated 12 April and reached the beta on May 17.

With the release of Firefox 5, Mozilla will shift the revised schedule of standard 18-week so that Firefox 6 will be released around mid-August

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